About Farmland Irrigation

Farmland irrigation is critical to people's livelihoods. Taiwan has a wide range of farmland and is one of the most successful countries in the world with rice production as its main crop. As a result of long-term development, existing operating organization is considerable and irrigation engineering facilities comprehensive, with irrigation technology, water allocation and operational management organizations underscoring Taiwan's success in this area. In order to effectively allocate and utilize irrigation water resources, the country has 17 Irrigation Agency management offices. In addition to allocating water, these are also responsible for maintaining irrigation facilities within their jurisdiction to ensure the supply of farmland irrigation water and remove excess water. At present, the most important facilities under the management offices include irrigation channels, trunk lines, branch lines, sub lines, small and medium water channel, tunnels and drainage channels, barrages, water gates, weirs, headworks, water bridges, hydraulic drop structures, sewer and water measurement devices etc., all of which are operated by local offices.

Hualien Management Office

Address: No. 1, Lane 14, Beichang 5th Street, Ji'an Township, Hualien County 973030



Hualien Management Office Farmland and Water,Conservancy Department,Agriculture,Committee, Executive Yuan,Website data open announcement Privacy and Information Security Statement

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